Quick, name a sequel that was better than the first? Empire Strikes Back comes to mind. Perhaps the Godfather, Part II? Aliens?

There have been a few, but it's usually not the norm. When I reviewed the first Hellboy a few weeks ago, I wasn't expecting to add Hellboy II to that list. Thankfully, I can.

Now granted, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good movie, right? Attack of the Clones was better than The Phantom Menace, but it's still a bad movie. It turns out, Hellboy II is pretty good.

Let's start with the best part - the plot. Since it's not an origin story, you get two hours of plot. That's perfect since none of that has to be wasted on introductions. Unfortunately, I'd recommend watch- er, suffering through the first one, just to fill in the gaps.

Like the first one, Hellboy II starts to slow down in the middle with a love story. I was so ready to rip into it, but the movie saves itself with one of the funniest scenes of the year. Just thinking of it now makes me laugh again. It's brilliant.

Another great thing is the variety of creatures Del Toro puts in front of the camera. It's like the Star Wars Cantina stretched out over two hours. And every one is different than anything else I've seen before. That's saying something since I've seen more than my fair share of Sci-Fi movies. The creatures all have a distinct Del Toro look to them, but that just makes me excited for The Hobbit.

Anyway, I'm not a true Hellboy Fanboy yet, but I'll definitely be seeing the third one.

Grade: B+


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