Did you know there was a Star Wars movie out this summer? Did you know there's also a cartoon series on right now? Did you know Star Wars has been relegated to the bargain bin of cinema? All true.

The TV series first introduced me to this version of The Clone Wars - not the 2003 version of 10-minute shorts. That series was pretty good. No, I'm talking about the series that the movie was a giant commercial for. I tried watching an episode. I mean, I really tried and I couldn't survive more than ten minutes.

It's with that experience that I went in to the movie version of The Clone Wars. Believe me, I was prepared for the biggest raping of Star Wars since Greedo fired that first shot. As it turns out, it wasn't that bad. Oh it was awful, but it was better than the TV episode.

Those of you who have seen this know that I'm not exactly the target audience. It's a kids movie, bar none. They even introduce a kid Jedi as the main character. That's sign #1 that someone is going to call a lightsaber "cute." The Sith aren't really evil, either. They're more of a galactic annoyance. Sort of like a parent who won't let you stay up late.

That's really my only complaint with The Clone Wars. It's an average movie that most kids will probably love. We (sort of) grown-ups can suffer through it without many side effects.

Grade: C-


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