All this time and I have yet to talk about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Just how awful is my oversight? Dr. Horrible is the greatest thing to you and the internet since Google.

The movie runs 45 mins (in three acts) and stars Neil Patrick Harris as a mad scientist, with a video blog, and his attempts to join the Evil League of Evil. Oh, and it's a musical.

"But John," you say. "Across the Universe made me hate all musicals - past, present, and future." I understand. Believe me, I do. But this is a "Sing-Along" musical which means these songs will bring joy and wonderment - not bile and vomit.

Despite its awesomeness, Dr. Horrible is an important step in entertainment. You see, back during the Writer's Strike, Joss Whedon got some friends together and made this piece of genius on the cheap. But instead of releasing it via normal channels (TV, Theater, DVD, etc), he released it on the internet, for free.

Right now, I watch about 90% of my TV online. I'm *this* close to canceling cable and probably will by year-end. Granted, I'm not normal...but I like to think I'm living in the future of entertainment medium. Dr. Horrible is, hopefully, the first step of many.

You need to watch this. Multiple times. Go now to

Grade: A+


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